The Fourth Wall: Starting a Game
A story in After Sundown is like a story you would read in a book or watch in a movie, save that it is written cooperatively by the people playing the game. In order for people to tell a story together, the story has to be something that everyone wants to tell. And that means getting everyone on the same first page as regards basic story themes and content. If one player really doesn't like the inclusion of something (whether it be "graphic descriptions of violence", "sexual situations", or "discussions of economic theory"), that probably has to take precedence over any number of other people at the table wanting to include it.
This sort of compromise is not as difficult as it might at first seem. After all, if someone didn't want to tell multi-author stories involving modern supernatural horror with an emphasis on adventure and mystery would probably have said "No" when you asked them the question "Do you want to play a game of After Sundown?". So before you even begin to hash out the basic disagreements about what kinds of stories you intend to tell, you already understand that you do have broad agreements on genre and story structure. So be prepared to make some concessions to what the other players want to do, whether you're the MC or not. Nevertheless, players will need to know where the game is going to take place and whether the chronicle will be an origin story or an in media res story before they even start to craft themselves characters, so hash that out in the beginning.