Persona non Grata
Some things you're better off not knowing about. Some objects, too.
The realm of horror is a pretty big place, and it's full of crazy crap. And lots of that stuff is unique. So while the rules make a good starting point for the creation of characters, they are only that: a starting point. Each individual person and twisted tale of tormented tools is going to be - at least ideally - crafted individually. This chapter contains some samples that have been made ready to use in the game, as well as some pointers on how to go about making your own.
It is important to note that the various nouns selected here are merely examples, and while it is fine to grab them for use in your own campaign, it is well within the prerogative of the MC to modify them or write them out entirely. People in the world of After Sundown believe in these people, places, and things in roughly the same way that people believe in Madison Wisconsin or the President of the United States: they probably have never been there or met them personally, but their existence doesn't seem implausible and other people talk about them as if they were real. However, on the far side of the Vow of Silence it is notably difficult to go check C-Span or the equivalent. The normal clues that someone is enlarging upon a tale or a description of a person simply don't apply when discussing a supernatural creature - when they got angry maybe they literally caught fire. So it's pretty easy for a story to get exaggerated after multiple repetitions. The Wolf Mother of Ergenekon probably wasn't really 6 meters long (although she may have been).