Wind and Water

It was a dark and stormy night...

It is important to note that weather in the realm of horror is a fair bit worse than the weather of our own world. Just as nearly every horror movie begins with some driving rain and a crash of thunder to set the mood, the night sky of the stories you tell with After Sundown will pelt the earth with lightning and rain all the time. It's atmospheric, and it helps to enforce the feeling of isolation that so many variations of scary stories require.


Water falls from the sky. It's dreary, it's uncomfortable, and it makes it hard to see things that are far away. It also makes things very wet, which is why witches wear wide brimmed hats. But the important things from the standpoint of game mechanics is the fact that it makes things wet and makes it hard to see.

Type of Rain Impeded Visibility You get wet unless...
Fine Mist Remote move around a bit
Adequate Drizzle Extreme have a hat
Continuous Shower Way Out have an umbrella
Tumultuous Rain Short are wearing rain gear
Uncompromising Deluge Near have a diving suit

Tumultuous Rain and Uncompromising Deluge effectively block out the sun.


When there's fog in the air it reduces contrast and obscures. It scatters light sources and can paradoxically cause people to be blinded by glare if they shine lights trying to see better. But mostly it saves us money on sets, because far away things become indistinct and altogether invisible. As fog becomes thicker, the distance one can see things clearly is reduced, and the distance one can see anything at all is reduced as well. Bright lights get scattered in fog and ca produce glare. It is entirely possible for a fog to have reduced visibility and overstimulation at the same time. Dust and smoke clouds reduce visibility based on their thickness just as fog does, but they are usually composed of light absorbent particles and do not create glare when light is shed within them.

Fog Thickness Impeded Visibility Limit of Vision
Thin 200 meters Remote (1200 meters)
Light 100 meters Extreme (600 meters)
Medium 20 meters Extreme (300 meters)
Thick 10 meters Way Out (100 meters)
Pea Soup 1 meter 2 meters

Thick and Pea Soup fog effectively block out the sun.


Air blows around. It carries one's words away before they have had a chance to impart their intended convictions, ruining apologies and love confessions both. As in the real world, the relative strength of wind in After Sundown is represented on the Beaufort Windforce Scale. However, the bottom end of that scale doesn't make any difference (whether the "leaves are in motion" in a gentle breeze or "not" in an actual dead calm, characters can leave books on park benches without fear that they will fly open). As such, the minimum value of wind strength in the game is 3 - even when the story is taking place inside and such. That's a little awkward, but it beats the alternative of not being able to use genuine meteorological data in the game.

Wind Strength It's Called... You see... Game Effects
3 Gentle Breeze ...leaves sway. None.
4 Moderate Breeze ...dust and loose paper kicked up. Dusty areas gain thin fog.
5 Fresh Breeze ...whole branches sway.
6 Strong Breeze empty garbage can fall over. Whistling wind and scattered falling objects obscure sounds.
7 High Wind ...upper floors in tall buildings shift. Walking against the wind is like moving in difficult ground.
8 Gale ...campfires blown out. Driving Conditions difficult. Movement on foot difficult. Thrown objects penalized.
9 Strong Gale ...a tree blow down. Staying upright out of cover is a Hard stunt. (Strength + Athletics or Survival, Threshold 3)
10 Storm ...roof tiles peel up and clatter.
11 Violent Storm ...roof tiles fly off of buildings. Characters can't make themselves heard if they try.
12 Hurricane ...some windows breaking.
13 Hurricane (2) ...a mobile home rolled over and over. Staying upright out of cover is a Crazy Extreme stunt. (Strength + Athletics or Survival, Threshold 5)
14 Hurricane (3) ...a dog flying away
15 Hurricane (4) ...a twig embed itself into a tree lengthwise.
16 Hurricane (5) ...Dorothy's house fly away. Characters out of cover resist a Strength d6 of Normal Damage.

Note: Victory of Typhon creates wind at strength 11 with 2 hits, 12 at 3, 13 at 4, 14 at 5, and strength 15 with 6 hits.