Evil Plants

"There's no sense in getting killed by a plant."

The lands of Maya are filled with strange foliage. But strangest of all is the foliage that harbors a deep hatred for people and animals. Possessed of an intelligence that is so wholly unlike those of humanity's that they are difficult to measure, these plants are condemned universally as being "Evil" even by the jaded standards of supernatural society. Completely emotionless, Evil Plants are not motivated by passions and cannot be induced to frenzy nor convinced against a course of action with emotional argument of any kind.


"Feed Me!"

Mantraps are essentially Aubrey the monster from Little Shop of Horrors or the carnivorous plants from Mario Brothers. They are able to move their giant mouth quite quickly, but they are rooted to the ground and cannot effectively give chase. Brutally effective ambush hunters, Mantraps try to eat animals whenever the opportunities arise.

Mantraps can't readily transport themselves across the land, let alone the borders between the dreamlands and the material world. Nevertheless, they do appear on Earth, because there are those who for whatever reason dig them up and transplant them. They often appear as guard plants in Marduk Society compounds. Mantraps can learn to speak, and their muppet like countenance creates alien voices.

The huge woody maw of a Mantrap is a damage 3 weapon. Mantraps have a nonstandard attribute array because they were never humans. Before their Potency modifier their attribute ranges are:

S: 3/8 A: 1/4 I: 1/6 L: 1/3 W: 2/7 C: 1/4

A Mantrap has an Astral power source and a Feeding power schedule.

Mantrap Starting Powers

Core Discipline: Clout

  • Vigor (Basic Clout)

  • Clinging (Basic Clout)

  • Basic Powers -
  • Revive the Flesh (Basic Fortitude)
  • Hide From Notice (Basic Veil)


"I dunno what the hell's in there, but it's weird and pissed off, whatever it is."

The Triffids are mobile plant monsters that are only vaguely describable as humanoid in shape. Like other Evil Plants, they need meat in their diet, but unlike the others they can get up and walk at a normal speed. As such, Triffids are not relegated to ambush hunting, they can seriously chase their prey down and eat them. And they do.

A Triffid has a poison barb on the end of each meter long tendril that extends from their maw. Some of them sprout leaves and/or flowers from various parts of their body. Some of them are instead smooth like an ivy vine or wrinkled like a redwood tree. It's not entirely clear what the significance of that distinction is.

The vicious barbed tendrils of a Triffid constitute a damage 3 weapon that can deliver the poison of the Triffid's "bite". Triffids have a nonstandard attribute array because they were never humans. Before their Potency modifier their attribute ranges are:

S: 3/8 A: 1/4 I: 1/6 L: 1/3 W: 2/7 C: 1/4

A Triffid has an Astral power source and a Lunar power schedule.

Triffid Starting Powers

Core Discipline: Coil of Thorns

  • Bitter Fruit (Basic Coil of Thorns)
  • Grass Rope (Basic Coil of Thorns)

Basic Powers

  • Bite of the Serpent (Basic Lure of Destruction)
  • Revive the Flesh (Basic Fortitude)

Advanced Powers

  • Puppetry (Advanced Coil of Thorns)

Story Inspiration: The Thing, The Night of the Triffids, Dryad, The Creeping Terror


"There are others... they'll stop you!"
"In an hour, you won't want them to."

The Pods are psychic hazards that take over people and use them to make more pods and take more people over. It's a rather disturbing pyramid scheme, and it is not uncommon for even the Marduk Society and the Communes to work together in order to unravel Pod cults. It's not especially clear what it is that Pods want, but whatever it is, they appear to have no intention of discussing it with any political structures from the material world.

Each pod is roughly the size of a large watermelon and appears to be a massive green potato. Most pods have some milk white tendrils growing out of what is most probably the bottom. These look similar to the rootlets that grow out of a potato if you leave it in water for a long period of time. There are slight depressions all over the Pod that appear to be its "eyes" - they are able to see things through them and use Authority on victims who look at them. The tendrils of a Pod can only move by growing over the course of minutes and hours, so for any practical purposes they are essentially immobile. Pods have a nonstandard attribute array because they were never humans. Before their Potency modifier their attribute ranges are:

S: 1/4 A: 0/0 I: 2/7 L: 2/7 W: 2/7 C: 1/6

A Pod has an Astral power source and a Lunar power schedule.

Pod Starting Powers

Core Discipline: Authority and Discernment

  • Supernatural Senses (Basic Discernment)
  • Aura Perception (Basic Discernment)
  • Command (Basic Authority)
  • Mesmerism (Basic Authority)

Basic Powers

  • Enchanted Slumber (Basic Veil of Morpheus)
  • Grass Rope (Basic Coil of Thorns)

Advanced Powers

  • Telepathy (Advanced Discernment)
  • Conditioning (Advanced Authority)
  • Mind Root (Advanced Coil of Thorns)

Elder Powers

  • Possession (Elder Authority)

Story Inspiration: Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Pod People