Spawn Monsters

That is a tragedy. You should probably kill it.

Supernaturals who aren't Luminaries are sad, monstrous things that have short life expectancies once the title sequence rolls. Not only do they have very limited supernatural powers but they are dominated by their Master Passion even more strongly than the true creatures they emulate. They suffer a -2 dicepool penalty when resisting or attempting to end a Frenzy. This penalty rises over time. Spawn who are weak of will are simply in frenzy all the time. As such, Spawn monsters don't have much success in society, and are frequently simply kept locked up to be released on main characters like guard dogs or bees (or twisted combinations of the two).

Vampire Spawn: Thralls

"Back, I tell you all! This man belongs to me!"

Vampire spawn are monstrous and depraved, hungering for the blood of mortals and generally making a nuisance of themselves. All Vampire Spawn have Master Passion Hunger and like all spawn they have difficulty controlling it. Vampire Spawn have only Patience of the Mountains and Revive the Flesh for their disciplines. There is little tangible difference between a Nosferatu Spawn and a Daeva Spawn. Either could stand in for the nameless mook vampires that can be killed even by Xander in a Buffy episode. They still get the Feeding power schedule, but they have a Potency of zero that does not rise. Even hundreds of years later, taking down Dracula's clutch of bride thralls is not that much of a trick.

Animate Spawn: Bots

"Five is alive."

Not all attempts to create life are truly successful. Without the spark of individuality, an animate machine is simply a machine that moves. Not necessarily a machine that thinks or feels. Depending upon its original purpose and the skill of construction, a non-luminary Animate has the stats of a Shambler or a Soulless. The only thing that really changes is the power source. When you open up a door and find a marching army of terracotta warriors, those have an Astral power source because they are technically Golem Spawn. Killer robots on the other hand, have an Infernal power source because they are Android Spawn. But in either case, the war thralls just use the stats of a Soulless. Golem and Android Spawn who are Soulless knock-offs have Patience of the Mountains, Nimble Feet, and Vigor (effectively replacing Bite of the Serpent with Patience of the Mountains). Frankensteins without the spark of a main character are literally just a Shambler or a Soulless and don't replace any disciplines.

Witch Spawn: Cultists

"Uhluhtc! Uhluhtc!"

Magic doesn't really work out very well for most people. Those who don't have the force of destiny and personality that comes with being a main character are frequently consumed by the power they attempt to wield. Becoming a cultist requires delving into the dark secrets and learning some magic. Maybe the Extra read a magic tome, maybe they got training from an actual spellcaster. Whatever the origin, they now have a basic Sorcery power or basic Authority and they start going completely insane. They are the proud recipient of Master Passion Greed, and they suffer the gradually increasing penalty to resisting its lure that afflicts spawn in general. Cultists do not inherently know how to get power points which depending upon what magic they learn, may not even matter. Cultists have a Potency of zero.

Leviathan Spawn: Mutants

"It's breakfast time!"

The taint of Tiamat is a curse more than a blessing to most who are affected at all. While luminaries turn into badasses like Robert Olmstead, Extras with the blood appear to be normal humans if they are lucky. The less lucky ones become degenerate mutants who look all gross and want to eat people. They have a potency of zero and both Patience of the Mountains and Supernatural Senses. Unlike the paranoid true Leviathan, most Mutants end up with Master Passion Hunger or Master Passion Rage. This is also what happens to extras who eat the flesh of Leviathans. They become Leviathan spawn, gradually mutating into hideous monstrosities, and they are driven to eat people (especially other Leviathans). Some Leviathan communities keep these mutant throwbacks alive in locked up basements or attics.

Transhuman Spawn: The Lost and the Damned

"I don't believe in fate or destiny. I believe in various degrees of hatred, paranoia, and abandonment."

Transhuman Spawn in many cases are not exactly the same thing as regular Transhumans who are extras (and therefore doomed). But the concept is similar. A human Extra who is abandoned in the Dreamlands when their body dies becomes a Jalus: what is effectively an Icarid Spawn. They live out the rest of their lives in Maya, surviving day to day in that ghastly jungle mostly by dint of no one noticing them. Indeed, they have Hide From Notice. A human Extra who is adopted by spirits that aren't their own can be turned into a Seer. This is basically like being a Reborn Spawn, and while they get Summon Spirit, they mostly get to be picked on by ghosts and go crazy. However, breaking the pattern, a human Extra who is imprisoned for an extended period in the Dark Reflection or who draws upon the power of an Infernal artifact gradually becomes a Fallen Spawn. They gain access to Learn the Heart's Pain and make up the majority of the human inhabitants of Limbo. In all cases, Transhuman Spawn are afflicted with Master Passion Despair, and for all the good it does them, they have the same power schedules as their associated Transhuman type.

Lycanthrope Spawn: The Spawn that Die

"Some experiences are literally once in a life-time."

You don't see armies of Werewolves in After Sundown because Extras who undergo the transformation procedures die. And then they stay dead, and are dead. Sometimes they become ghosts, and wander around haunting the lycanthropes that killed them American Werewolf in London style.