It Works like Magic: Skills of the Matrix
Using any Programming or Complex Form is game mechanically much like casting a spell. Programs and Complex Forms are divided into categories as spells are, and the character's dicepool is determined by the program category. Using something from the category of Attack uses Cybercombat + Logic in the same manner as casting a Combat Spell would use Spellcasting + Magic. Using Operations Programs uses the Computer skill, using Analysis Programs uses the Data Search skill, using Exploit Programs uses the Hacking skill, and using Communications Programs uses the Electronic Warfare skill. Technomancers have access to Complex Forms which mimic Programs and use the same dicepools, but they also have special Complex Forms for which no software equivalent exists, these use the Resonance skills of Compiling, Decompiling, and Registering.
The Computer skill governs the navigation of baroque menus, the interactions with strange interfaces, and other 21st century activities which allow users to get devices to do the things that they are supposed to do.
From toasters to automated factories, every device capable of acting under its own preprogrammed instructions must be at some point set in motion by a user. Letting loose the Rube Goldberg apparatus which will lead inevitably to the desired result requires a Logic + Computer check. Simple instruction sets ("heat bread until deliciously browned", or "follow grid-guide directions to Můstek") require only a single hit. Complicated instruction sets capable of responding appropriately to impediments require more hits. Whenever a drone is confronted with the bizarre, use the number of hits on its last command check as a threshold to determine if it is thrown off.
Data Manipulation
Deleting files, creating bogus data, and otherwise covering up information is quite an involved set of procedures in 2071. Between the existence of extensive and often distributed back-up systems and the all-pervasive reality of contradictory information and veracity checking, actually covering one's tracks in the Matrix is as much art as science. Whether eradicating viable video of a break-in or keeping one's Matrix activities away from the notice of the popos, one makes an Intuition + Computer check. As always, more hits are better. Glitches indicate that one's manipulation actually raised flags and made the information more noticeable to Interpol and other interested parties.
Operations Programs are activated with Logic + Computer, and Operations Complex Forms are activated with Resonance + Computer.
Computer Specializations
- Command
- Data Manipulation
- Operations
Brutally simple, the Cybercombat skill is used to fight in the Matrix, where normal combat methods are useless. While hackers like to speak about the complex dance of packets and draw comparisons to World War I dog fighting or fencing or whatever other metaphor, the cold reality is that, once a Connection is established, Matrix combat is often a pretty short affair.
Attack Programs are activated with Logic + Cybercombat, and Attack Complex Forms are activated with Resonance + Cybercombat.
When a Connection is established between two Icons, Signal Defense is essentially useless. A character's Signal Defense does not apply against attacks made at Connection range, regardless of program. A character instead uses their Cybercombat to defend herself (but she does not take a penalty for Defaulting if they are untrained).
Cybercombat Specializations
- Attack
- Defense
Data Search
This is the character's research ability, their ability to find information online, and perhaps most importantly of all it is the character's ability to notice icons and events in the Matrix world.
Analysis Programs are activated with Logic + Data Search, and Analysis Complex Forms are activated with Resonance + Data Search.
Matrix Perception
Just as characters can fail to notice things in the physical world or the astral plane, the Matrix is full of things which may or may not be noticed against the background cacophony of data transfer which surrounds everyone. An Intuition + Data Search is used to notice hidden icons and data stores in precisely the same way as Perception or Assensing opposes Infiltration checks. Also, like Assensing, an Intuition + Data Search check can elicit more information about an individual Icon. Having cybernetic senses allows Matrix information to be more easily assimilated into the user's experience, making them better at Matrix perception. Any of the following cybernetics: Display Link, Sound Link, Taste Booster, Olfactory Booster, Touch Link all grant a +1 dicepool bonus to Matrix Perception tests, with a maximum bonus of +3. The implanted Sim Rig provides multisensory SimSense to the body and provides the maximum +3 bonus all by itself. Technomancers, Sprites, AIs, and other matrix natives always get the +3 bonus without need of special equipment.
There is an incredibly large amount of information available on the Matrix. And while much of it is hidden away in secret data stores which are available only to those with the proper authorization or funding, the wealth of information available in blogs, wikipedia entries, and fan sites is staggering. Much of what is available is wrong, whether placed as deliberately unhelpful information to reduce the seeming veracity of real truth, or simply the mad ravings of conspiracy enthusiasts. But for the savvy, the nuggets of truth can be sifted from the silt of falsity and much can be discerned. Researching requires no special programming on the part of an individual user, just an active Matrix connection and a few seconds to sort through the universe of data. Researching topics is not an extended test, because that's boring to resolve. If a character wishes to research the answer to a question, one simply makes a Logic + Data Search test:
Hits Required / Information you are looking for:
- Public Record (Dates, National population figures, Laws, Street Maps)
- Contentious Information (Genocides, Religious Opinions, Political Theory)
- Technical (Exacting Schema of Buildings)
- Obscure (Old Secrets)
- Very Obscure (New Secrets, Unpopular Media from before the Crash)
- Earthdawn Metaplot Connections (Horrors, Immortals, Magic Cycles)
Successfully getting the requisite number of hits turns up an answer to a question in a few minutes. Succeeding by one extra hit gets the info in a few rounds, and succeeding at the test by two or more hits turns up the information immediately (just one initiative pass). No, you can't retry, all the different search parameters you are trying is factored into the initial test for everyone's sanity. Glitching on the test involves information which is hilariously or tragically wrong as you might expect. If people are actively attempting to hide information on the Matrix by using misinformation to attack the perceived veracity of the truth (the only real way to hide things once they've hit the Matrix somewhere), the difficulties increase by 1 to 4 depending upon how good they are at it. So, for example, the Horror Cycle is merely contentious information, but some people have gone to great lengths to hide this data increasing the threshold all the way to 6.
Data Search Specializations
- Analysis
- Matrix Perception
- Research
Electronic Warfare
The Electronic Warfare skill is used to disrupt and prevent the disruption of signals and communications in a variety of ways.
Communications Programs are activated with Logic + Electronic Warfare, and Communications Complex Forms are activated with Resonance + Electronic Warfare.
Jamming can be used in two ways. One can perform a targeted jamming operation, or one can area jam. Jamming a specific target can be done with any Commlink, while jamming an area usually involves the use of an Area Jammer (see SR4, p. 320). A targeted jam attempts to remove a specific signal or close a specific connection. The character must have sufficient high density signal to reach both ends of the communication one is attempting to disrupt. It is a complex action to jam out that signal, and the character must succeed at a Logic + Electronic Warfare test resisted by the highest Logic + Electronic Warfare dicepool of someone on either end of the communique who wants to keep the channel open.
Area Jamming is much like magical background count. It reduces the effective signal of all Matrix users except Resonance users by its rating. Technomancers and Sprites in a jammed area instead have their Resonance or Rating reduced by the jamming level. Technomancers whose Resonance is reduced to zero cannot use any Complex Forms. Sprites whose Rating falls to zero are destroyed. An area jammer generates a rating of jamming equal to the hits on a Logic + Electronic Warfare + Jammer Rating test and lasts as long as the batteries do. The basic area jammer in the basic book has an effective Signal of only 1. And no, you can't just patch it through your Commlink to get the same effect over a larger area. Military jammers have higher Signal values, but note that simply owning a jammer of Signal 4 is enough to have the Corporate Court consider you a potential threat to world trade.
Machines collect, sort, and discard data continuously every second of the day and night. Actually getting a useful picture of what's going on through Sensors is a skill. That skill is Electronic Warfare, and the dicepool is Intuition + Electronic Warfare + Sensor Rating. Remember of course that, unlike a human, one can't assume that any particular sensor suite has five senses, and that many events may be undetectable regardless of many dice one is rolling on an EW based perception test. This is only for when receiving sensor abstracts, if one is actually personally viewing the sense data either as windowed Arrows or fully immersive VR, then the character makes regular Perception tests instead.
Signal Defense
A skilled electronic warrior can defend herself and others against programs running in the Matrix. To provide signal defense, she must have LOS to all the targets being defended, she must be be presently active in the Matrix, and she must declare which systems she is protecting as a Matrix Free Action. Signal Defense provides a number of extra resistance dice equal to the character's Electronic Warfare skill. If more than one Matrix user is providing Signal Defense on the same target, use the teamwork rules.
A character who is actively providing signal defense can do so even against programs she is not aware of. The act of signal modulation and source obfuscation makes such attacks more difficult whether the hacker knows that there's someone on the other end or not. Signal Defense normally requires a network with a generic Firewall. Sprites cannot provide Signal Defense unless they have the Signal Management power. Technomancers can provide Signal Defense normally.
Note that Signal Defense is entirely ineffective once a Connection is open between two networks. Any resistance test that would use Signal Defense as part of the defense pool should instead use the target's Cybercombat instead.
Electronic Warfare Specializations
- Communications
- Jamming
- Sensors
- Signal Defense
Hacking is at the core a skill dedicated to creating commands and data which are treated as legitimate despite the fact that they are not.
Exploit Programs are activated with Logic + Hacking, and Exploit Complex Forms are activated with Resonance + Hacking.
It is important to note that the "Backdoor" program is an Exploit Program, which is the most important method that a non-technomancer has to create a connection with an uncooperative network.
Forge Credentials
People can do crazy crap on the Matrix and have that be "okay". At least, if they have the appropriate credentials. Heck, if you're a NeoNET security spider it is considered okay by the Corporate Court for you to use deadly force on other Matrix users. With a Complex Action and a Logic + Hacking test you can forge credentials allowing you to do anything you want. The number of hits sets the apparent veracity of your licenses. These licenses do not hold up to any deep analysis, and of course an actual security spider doesn't really care if you seemingly have authorization from Interpol to delete his Cortex.Net. But that kind of behavior can be quite helpful in delaying IC. It's worth a shot anyway.
Sprites cannot take the Forge Credentials action, but see below about Datamasking.
Matrix Stealth
Normally, everything in the Matrix is quite visible (or at least potentially visible to people who are looking for it). However, there is a lot of data, and while you can't make your presence in the Matrix undetectable, you can make it rather a chore to locate you. This is a process that involves spoofing your access ID as a standard software updating routine, running your connection through dozens of intervening nodes and embedding your key data in holograms of adorable kittens with inspirational messages about increasing productivity. Or something. It's not game mechanically important what exactly it is that you are doing to not get noticed. It's not important whether you are attempting to not get seen or trying to get seen as something that is summarily ignored. In either case you simply roll Intuition + Hacking, and targets who don't get comparable hits on Matrix Perception tests don't notice you. And yes, letting loose with a Black Hammer barrage does give you away. Program actions that are obvious will show onlookers that you exist and their reality filters will automatically make you stand out, so once you push things into matrix combat territory you seriously might as well just have your icon be something awesome looking.
Sprites cannot take the Matrix Stealth action. Some Sprites have the Datamasking power, which is a similar ability to create a disguise that can be defeated with Matrix Perception (though the dicepool is different). Sprites without the Datamasking power are always visible as their true nature.
Hacking Specializations
- Exploit
- Forge Credentials
- Matrix Stealth
Resonance Skills
Distinct from other Matrix skills because they are based on Resonance rather than Logic, these skills are only available to those who have a Resonance attribute in the first place (Technomancers, Sprites, and some AIs).
Technomancers are justifiably feared by many. Not because they control machines directly with their minds (indeed, that sort of behavior has been standard practice in 2071 for longer than a majority of the world's population has been alive); but because they are seemingly able to bypass the laws of causality that the Matrix lives by. Technomancers and hackers alike are able to induce data transformations in systems which are not contiguous to themselves. But technomancers potentially are directly connected to all the devices around them. Even the devices that can only make connections through cables. That disturbs people, because people in 2071 are acutely aware of the fact that they themselves are devices, and that they are treated as such by the corporations for whom they toil. Being confronted with the implications of being literally nail shaped is discomforting in the presence of a man with a hammer for a brain.
This skill is used to create Sprites and to determine how many tasks they owe you.
Compile Sprite
A technomancer who wishes to create a sprite must first choose one of the five types of sprites available to her personal stream and select a desired rating. For every three whole Rating points the sprite has, the technomancer may select one additional optional power for the sprite to have. The technomancer then makes an opposed test using her Resonance + Compiling against the proposed rating of the sprite. If at least one net hit is achieved, the sprite takes form and owes the character a number of tasks equal to the net hits. If a glitch is achieved on the compiling test, the sprite takes form and owes the character nothing.
Compiling a sprite, whether successfully or not, causes fading equal to half the Rating of the sprite plus the number of hits scored against the technomancer. If the rating of the sprite exceeds the character's Resonance, that fading is physical rather than stun damage.
Compiling Forms
A technomancer who knows a Compiling Form uses their Resonance + Compiling to set their dicepool while using it.
A technomancer can hack on the fly, but if she wishes to use Resonance Forms, she uses an Intuition + Compiling test rather than Software as her test to do so. This is called threading. Decompiling and Registering forms cannot be threaded.
Compiling Specializations
- By Sprite Type
The decompiling skill is used to unravel Matrix icons, or more importantly still the instruction sets which govern them. More than simply deleting data (a tricky business in the highly redundant and incestuous computing world of 2071), Decompiling calls upon the Deep Resonance to remove data altogether, as if that data had simply never existed in the first place.
Decompiling Forms
A technomancer who knows a Decompiling Form uses their Resonance + Decompiling to set their dicepool while using it.
Remove Tasks
A technomancer can attempt to remove the tasks owed by a Sprite with a Complex Action. The technomancer makes an opposed test using her Resonance + Decompiling against the Sprite's rating. If the sprite is Registered the sprite uses its Rating + the Resonance of the associated technomancer instead. Every net hit reduces the owed tasks by one. If the owed tasks reach zero, it will immediately cease whatever activities it was engaged in and become inert for one entire combat round during which the technomancer can attempt to take control of it. If she does not do so, the sprite disintegrates into random and unintelligible bits and bytes on its next action. Removing tasks causes Fading. The technomancer must resist fading equal to half the sprite's rating + the number of total hits it achieved. Removing Tasks is a Signal (LOS) effect.
Rend Icon
A technomancer can simply attack enemy icons with the Decompiling skill. This attack takes a Simple Action, and uses Resonance + Decompiling as a dicepool. The target's defense pool is their Firewall + Cybercombat (if any). The attack inflicts Matrix damage with a DV of the technomancer's Charisma + net hits. The damage is soaked with System + Armor. Rending an icon causes no fading, and icons crashed in this manner leave no record in the Matrix or their own internal logs of having crashed. This attack has a range of Connection.
Unravel Commands
Any device operating on its own does so under the auspices of a set of commands. A Technomancer can unravel those command structures directly. By taking an Unraveling action, the technomancer reduces the effective number of hits on the initial Command test by her number of hits on a Resonance + Decompiling test. A device whose list instruction set has been reduced to zero hits or less simply goes inactive. Devices with multiple instruction sets have all instructions reduced equally. Like most Resonance actions, unraveling commands causes fading. The technomancer resists fading equal to the number of hits on the highest original instruction set of the device. This action has a range of Connection.
Decompiling Specializations
- Decompiling Forms
- Remove Tasks
- Rend Icon
- Unraveling
The Registering skill is used similarly to Binding, to register sprites to perform long term task contracts.
Register Sprite
A technomancer can take her unbound sprite to one of her Resonance Nodes with a Rating at least equal to the sprite's rating for a number of hours equal to the sprite's rating for some sort of crazy technomantic special one-on-one chat session. This registering session does not count against the sprite's allotted 8 hours of existence. Once complete, the technomancer makes a Resonance + Registering test opposed by twice the sprite's Rating. If the technomancer gets net hits, the sprite becomes registered and those net hits are added to the Tasks owed. Fading is equal to half the sprite's rating plus the total number of hits the sprite achieved.
If the technomancer glitches her test, passes out from fading, or watches a critical success coming off the opposed roll, the sprite breaks free. This is bad. Little arcs of electricity play across open cabling, things catch fire, monitors play only static.
Registering Forms
A technomancer who knows a Registering Form uses their Resonance + Registering to set their dicepool.
A technomancer can repeat the registration process for credit with any of her registered sprites. Services gained in this way stack, and a sprite already registered has no chance of going berserk should the processing go disastrously bad. As there are no monetary costs to registering sprites, a technomancer is limited in her sprite army "only" by time, fading considerations, and her hard cap of not being allowed more registered sprites than her Charisma at any time.
Registering Specializations
- By Sprite Type