Programs and Complex Forms

The Elements of a Program


Every Program or Complex Form fits into a Category. This category doesn't simply change which Paragons provide a bonus to characters using them, but to which skill is actually linked with activating the Program in the first place. Many programs are resisted in one manner or another, and they will describe the resistance dicepool within their description. Many programs also have an "optimized defense" available, and if the target has that defense, 2 hits of the user are canceled before resistance dice are even contemplated.

  • Analysis Programs: Analysis Programs gather and discriminate information from the Matrix. Based off of the Data Search skill, these programs are most closely analogous to Detection Spells.
  • Attack Programs: Attack Programs interfere with computing procedures, whether performed by machines or the metahuman brain. Based off of the Cybercombat skill, these programs are most closely analogous to Combat Spells.
  • Background Programs: Background Programs adjust perceptions of the Matrix. Whether they create virtual sensation or create an interactive game world, they take up trivial amounts of memory and do not count as a running program for any purpose. Any perception affecting programming that is capable of actually overwhelming another user's reality preferences is a Communication Program, not a Background Program. Background Programming requires no roll or skill to create or maintain (though playing games and whatnot may involve skill checks if for some reason it is important to determine how well a character's gaming has gone during a session).
  • Communications Programs: Communications Programs affect encryption and signal transmission in the Matrix. Based off the Electronic Warfare skill, these programs are most close analogous to Illusion Spells.
  • Exploit Programs: Exploit Programs mimic instructions in devices and networks. Based off the Hacking skill, these programs are most closely analogous to Manipulation Spells, most specifically control manipulations.
  • Operations Programs: Operations Programs make systems do what they are "supposed" to do. Based off the Computer skill, these programs are most closely analogous to Health Spells, though most of the memory hogging programming that the 6th world has filled its servers with, whether it's crunching numbers on projected soda demands or masterminding a world conquest scheme, are also Operations Programs.
  • Intrusion Countermeasure Programs: Distinct from other programming, an IC Program doesn't use the skills of a computer operator at all. It is a program which actually runs other programs, without a human brain's directions. The IC can use its own rating as a dicepool to use any program, but can only run those programs on its own system or over an established Connection. IC cannot initiate a Connection on its own, and takes no more than 1 IP per round regardless of the network it's on. It does act very quickly though, rolling 2*Rating + Response for Initiative.
    • Note that the existence of IC is inherently dangerous to the stability and even existence of the world. Should it ever be able to seriously threaten a Hacker in terms of mobility and effect, we're in Skynet or Dreams of Flesh and Sand territory where the human race has perhaps become a pale vestige attached to a planet dominated by instantly self replicating machine overlords - so gamemasters are well advised to take a good hard look at anything that they allow IC to do under any circumstances.
  • Pilots / Autosofts / Skillsofts: Perhaps the most powerful of programming are the ones which replicate skills. There is no "Longarms" program. There are, however, a number of programs which when confronted with specific hardware and a decently massive pile of processing to fall back on can successfully fire a shotgun. Skillsofts work because there is a Skillwire system in place to slave the human brain into acting as the reserve computer that such a massive program would need. Also, it's metahuman specific, a whole new Skillsoft would have to be devised for a naga or a hellhound, even if they did have a skillwire system produced for them. Similarly, a Pilot program is not generic. It's specific to a specific device. You can't just grab a 1000¥ drone and copy its pilot into your car - the drone doesn't have to handle the high speeds that the passenger vehicle does and its programming simply wouldn't be appropriate to the other machine. Autosofts, similarly are device specific. That doesn't necessarily mean that you need hundreds of different versions of every Autosoft. After all, the Clearsight soft is specific to cameras not to one or another kind of drone - so it can actually be reused on many different drones so long as they are all picking up camera data on the same frequencies.
  • Decompiling Forms: Decompiling Forms are only available to users of Resonance. They remove things from the Matrix. This is exceedingly different from corrupting data or creating alternative truths of higher seeming veracity, and use of these forms upsets a lot of people.
  • Registering Forms: Registering Forms are only available to users of Resonance and change the way icons interact with the Matrix. They are therefore more similar to things which might be accomplished with Software or Hardware tests.
  • MacGuffin Programming: There are lots of programs which do large and processing intensive actions. They synthesize skill softs, they predict the weather, they control nanite fabrication. These programs are often measured in "Man Years" to completion and they take a truly staggering amount of computational power to run to completion. There is no purpose served in having specific rules for these programs and so we don't.


Biofeedback programs directly affect metahuman brains, Data programs affect machines. Programming is labeled with a B or a D to distinguish its type. An orphan brain can only be affected by type B procedures, an empty network or lone device can only be affected by D programming. If a program can be used on either, it will be labeled with both a B and a D.

A non-metahuman brain always is considered to have an optimized defense against any B type program that was not specifically written for the type of creature that it is. You cannot use hacking on the fly or threading to bypass that particular problem without very specialized skills and talents. So, for example, a character who was attempting to use seize on a dragon or a shapeshifter would have their first two hits canceled automatically simply due to the alien neurophysiology. Ghouls are considered metahumans for this purpose.


Decrypting a Signal?

Due to the distributed nature of data storage and transmission, and the direct induction method employed by many major hacking operations, decrypting a device's signal is generally not required to hack a connection to it. Devices can be suborned and added to a hacker's network without the hacker ever knowing or caring what information had previously been passed through it.

Line of Sight (LOS)

Many programs can only be used with very precise targeting. Causing a specific transformation in the data of a hard drive is not simply a matter of sending out a broadcast of a long series of waves that will miraculously effect a change in one device and not in any other. It's way more complicated than that and actually not even doable with pre-2029 technology. It involves making a precision electrical effect at a specific point in space. It's probably quantum or something. The point is, if a range is followed by (LOS), then your signal producing device actually has to be able to draw a clear line to the point in space that the target is physically present at, as well as knowing where that target is. The math involved is hellacious of course, but fortunately you've got really powerful computers and they are all harnessed together and able to draw upon the power of a human brain.


Programming with a Signal range can be used if the target is within the range of projectable high density signal of the actor's network. Signal range is abbreviated "S" in programming descriptions.


Programming with a Listening range can be used if the actor's network is within the range of projected high density signal of the target. Remember that using a high grade Receiver can increase the range at which a signal can be received, precisely as if the original signal had been projected at a higher Signal rating in the first place. An unmodified human has a high density signal rating of 0, meaning that an orphan brain needs to be very close to the acting device in order for Listening programs to function if such Receiver units are not used. Listening range is abbreviated "L" in programming descriptions.


Programming with a Handshake range can only be used if the target is within the range of high density signal of the actor's network and the actor is within the high density signal range of the target's network. In short, if the requirements for both Signal and Listening range are met, the conditions for Handshake range are met as well. If both the target and the actor have an open connection to a third party's node they are within Handshake range of each other regardless of distance in the real world. Handshake range is abbreviated "H" in programming descriptions.


Programming with a Connection range can only be used if the actor has an open account on the target or vice versa. Connection range is abbreviated "C" in programming descriptions.


Programming with a Matrix range can be used so long as the actor has a connection to the Matrix at large. Matrix range is abbreviated "M" in programming descriptions.


Not all programs take the same amount of time to use. Most take Complex Actions: "CA", but some take Simple Actions: "SA" or extended periods of time to be properly used.


Some programs are Instant (I): They run, complete, and then you're done.

Some programs are Sustained (S): They maintain activity for more than an instantaneous moment of extreme code use. A network can sustain a number of running procedures equal to its System rating before experiencing slow-down. Every additional sustained program reduces all Matrix dicepools of the network by 2 dice. If a system is called upon to run a number of sustained programs beyond its system rating equal to the Logic of the metahuman brain running it, the entire network crashes.

Some programming is Permanent (P): The program affects a real change onto the Matrix which will persist after the network which spawned it stops dedicating processing cycles to it. These programs must be sustained for 15 combat rounds, after which they no longer require or benefit from input the originating network. Hits on the originating success test can be dedicated to reducing the required sustaining time rather than to increasing the effect of the action. Every hit used to speed the process reduces the required sustaining time by 3 rounds.

Analysis Programs

Using an Analysis program requires a Logic + Data Search test.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Connection
  • Time: Simple Action
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Optimized Defense: Satellite Routing

This program targets the Matrix Stealth value of the Network that you are attempting to Backtrack (minimum threshold of 1). If successful, the real world location of the target Network is computed to within 1 meter as soon as the program becomes Permanent.

Brain Scan

  • Type: Bio
  • Range: Listeningistening (LOS)
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Resistance: Willpower + Firewall

The contents of brains can be determined at a distance with modern data management techniques, but actually getting specific information out of a metahuman brain's gigantic pile of flashing instructions is time consuming and intensive. Using this program, specific information is successfully retrieved from the target's memory once the scan has been sustained on the target long enough to be Permanent.

Find Mind

  • Type: Bio
  • Range: Signal
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Sustained
  • Resistance: Firewall + Signal Defense

Disturbances in the packet flow can reveal the locations of certain kinds of interference. One of the most often looked for is the presence of metahuman brains. This technique is far more likely to work on a brain whose signal is not being modulated by a connection to a network or by signal defense. This program functions similarly to a Detection Spell in the information it can give.

Pin Drop

  • Type: Bio and Digital
  • Range: Special (changes L)
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Sustained
  • Resistance: Signal Defense

Light moves towards infinity as fast as anything can, and so the theoretical range at which a signal can be received is much longer than the practical range at which it can be received. Hardware can make a big difference, but software can also make a large difference by combing through what signal is available to isolate individual voices. The user picks a known (though possibly out of range) signal and makes their roll. For every 2 full Net Hits, the user can hear the signal from the target as if the target's Signal strength were 1 higher. Only the most successful Pin Drop effect applies, and all Pin Drops against a single target expire the next time the target takes a Matrix Full Defense action.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Handshake (LOS)
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Resistance: Signal Defense

Probing is a technique used to identify the weaknesses in a device or connection. While active, the character's dicepools for programming used against the target are increased by the net hits of the Probe. Only the most successful Probe applies, and all Probes against a single target expire the next time the target takes a Matrix Full Defense action.

Reveal Contents

  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Signal (LOS)
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Resistance: Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)

Data in data stores can be successfully inferred from the outside, given sufficient probing. Information in the data stores will be copied out (though not necessarily decrypted or defused) once the Reveal Contents has been sustained long enough for it to become Permanent.

Who Is

  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Matrix
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Permanent

The Who Is protocols are an ancient and time honored method of finding the real world location of an LTG (which is like a phone number or email address). While somewhat time consuming, these techniques are quite powerful. This program uses the target's Matrix Stealth value for the Threshold, and the location of the target's transmitter will be found (accurate to within 1 meter) by the time the Who Is becomes permanent.

Bonus Rule: Note that... this is definitely the most vague Program in the entire game. Precisely what it does is either the best thing in the game (because you can locate nearly anyone, anywhere, in 15 turns) or it's entirely useless (because individual commlinks don't have LTGs, so you can only trace buildings and other fixed installations with it, in which case why didn't whoever just broadcast their message/signal via commlink instead so that Who Is wouldn't work on them). Seriously, you should probably ignore that it exists.

Attack Programs

Cybercombat usually is a short and brutal affair. As much as hackers like to describe the dance of code and the clashing of packets, when it comes to ending up on top, shooting first is a big step towards it.

Using an Analysis program requires a Logic + Cybercombat test.

Many programs refer to a "Biofilter" value. This defaults to a character's Firewall, but the Redundant Biofeedback Filter program can increase it. Note that if you're running with HotSim then your Biofilter drops to 0.

Black Hammer

  • Type: Bio
  • Range: Signal (LOS)
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Resistance: Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)

An improper neural impulse can digest a pancreas, terminate breathing, or stop a heart, which is exactly what Black Hammer does. If a character is affected by Black Hammer, she uses Willpower + Biofilter to resist physical damage equal to the Rating of the attack plus the net hits. Black Hammer is incapable of doing damage beyond that which is necessary to completely fill in the condition monitor. Any excess damage is lost (stoppage of internal organ function is bad, but it's not "heads exploding" bad).

Contagious RAS Override

  • Type: Bio
  • Range: Signal
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Sustained
  • Resistance: Willpower + Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)
  • Optimized Defense: Internal SimRig or Reaction Enhancer.

RAS Overrides are a normal part of the Matrix, but a clever Matrix user can inflict them on others. If net hits are achieved, the subject is paralyzed as their motor neurons are edited out of functionality. All physical actions are taken at a -6 penalty, and the victim must make a Willpower (Net Hits) test to even attempt a physical action. The victim may attempt to end this condition by taking a Toggle AR/VR action and making a Logic + Computer test with a threshold of the net hits of Contagious RAS Override.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Connection
  • Time: Simple Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Resistance: Firewall + Cybercombat

Spam and Viruses are a fact of life in the wireless world. But when you can see nothing but, you’re probably in the process of being crashed. If a Network is affected by Crash, it uses Armor + System to resist Icon damage equal to the rating of the attack plus any net hits. You can also target Crash directly at a Program or Complex Form being sustained by a Network. In this case, reduce the hits of the target by the net hits of your Crash. If the target's hits are reduced to 0 then it immediately ends.

Data Bomb

  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Connection
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Permanent

A Data Bomb is a form of trap. If triggered, it releases malicious code and destroys the contents it is wrapped around. A Data Bomb is "set" by wrapping it around one or more files. Databombs are not easy to detect, requiring a Matrix Perception test with a threshold equal to the number of hits achieved when setting the Databomb. If the file is directly accessed (to read or copy), the bomb "explodes". This destroys the data (the threshold for Recovery is equal to the number of hits initially scored creating the Data Bomb), and damaging the Icon of whoever detonated the bomb (inflicting Icon Damage equal to program rating, soak with System + Armor as normal). Data Bombs are normally bypassed with a passkey of some sort, but the Data Bomb effect can separately be Crashed, or the passkey can be Spoofed. Failing to bypass a Data Bomb results in exactly the same effect as simply accessing the data without noticing the bomb in the first place.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Matrix
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Sustained
  • Resistance: Willpower + Firewall

Denial is a river in Egypt. This is an attack which sends a large number of nuisance requests for data to the target LTG through the Matrix. This results in the target network being destabilized, or possibly even crashing altogether. Every net hit counts as an additional program that the target is sustaining. The target network may remove effective sustained programs with an additional resistance test whenever it takes a Matrix Defense action.


  • Type: Bio
  • Range: Connection
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Resistance: Firewall + Willpower + Cybercombat (if any)

Jingle plants an idea into the target's mind, getting its name for its first use: forcing people to remember advertising slogans. The net hits set the veracity with which the subject views the new fact.


  • Type: Bio
  • Range: Signal (LOS)
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Resistance: Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)
  • Optimized Defense: Move by Wire

It takes only 7 misfired neurons to create an epileptic event in a normal human. A well-placed set of induction instructions can turn even the most physically capable of metahumans into a convulsing mass of tissue. If a character is affected by Seize, she may immediately resist the net hits of the attack with Willpower + Biofilter. If there are still any net hits remaining, the character begins uncontrollably convulsing and is incapacitated. Every (Rating) combat rounds, the victim may make another Willpower + Biofilter check to attempt to reduce the remaining net hits of the attack. When the net hits are reduced to zero, the character regains control of her body.

Communications Programs

"The punishment was that one man could not understand the other. Can you believe they used to consider that a punishment?"

Using a Communications program requires a Logic + Electronic Warfare test.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Handshake
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Sustained
  • Resistance: Signal + Signal Defense

Information transfer is with waves as well as with particles, and when a wave hits its opposite both are canceled and effectively cease to exist. With the proper signals, the signals of a target can be neutralized. Every net hit reduces the target's dicepool on all broadcast Matrix actions by one. Cancel is a passive and very subtle effect, not at all obvious until signals actually start to fail.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Connection
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Sustained

With the right data manipulations a network can be hidden from casual or even in depth observation in the Matrix. This program places target into Hidden Mode with the number of net hits substituting for their Matrix Stealth check to stay hidden.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Connection
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Sustained

Jamming can really put a cramp into the style of modern networking. But with the expenditure of merely titanic computational resources on filtering out interference and reiterating questionable data packets, the difficulties can be mitigated. The threshold for this program is equal to half the Background that you are attempting to overcome, and the effective Background is reduced by your net hits.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Handshake
  • Time: Simple Action
  • Duration: Sustained
  • Resistance: Firewall + Signal Defense (if any) + Signal (if the target is still active)
  • Optimized Defense: If the impersonated device or Network has a Signal that is more than 1 higher than the attempting network's Signal, the target has an optimized defense.

When two devices or networks have an active Connection, a third party (that's you) can use Impersonate to create a Connection with one or the other systems by insinuating itself as the one of the participants. If successful, not only does the user establish a Connection, but the original Connection is severed.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Listening
  • Time: Simple Action
  • Duration: Sustained
  • Resistance: System + Signal Defense (if any)

Data traveling through the air can be recorded by anyone within range, and for those of a cryptographic bent, that information can be used to figure out all kinds of things. Successful use of Intercept lets you record a conversation between two devices or Networks.

Sensory Deprivation

  • Type: Bio
  • Range: Signal (LOS)
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Sustained
  • Resistance: Willpower + Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)
  • Optimized Defense: Internal SimRig or multiple cybernetic senses.

The editing out of sensory information to a metahuman brain is an essential portion of establishing VR, but it is also a potential weakness of any metahuman. If net hits are achieved, the subject is blinded and completely cut off from physical senses (exactly as if they were in VR). The victim may attempt to end this condition by taking a Toggle AR/VR action and making a Logic + Computer (Net hits) test.

Exploit Programs

"If algorithms that reverse engineer the production of supposedly one-way mathematical transforms from finite comparisons between plaintexts and encrypted formats are outlawed then only outlaws will have... that thing I just said."

Using an Exploit program requires a Logic + Hacking test.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Handshake
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Resistance: Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)

Backdoor creates a special trick that the user can activate as a Matrix Free Action which creates a Connection between the target and the user.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Listening
  • Time: Special
  • Duration: Sustained
  • Resistance: Firewall

Cryptology is a really complicated subject which is at the very heart of much of computing. Within the context of Shadowrun, it is assumed that any time a character gains access to the plaintext and encrypted version of a message that the encryption key can be reverse engineered. To decrypt a key, a user makes a Logic + Hacking test opposed by the Firewall of whatever Network made the encryption key, looking to make a threshold of 2. The character only gets one chance unless more plaintext/encryption pairs are obtained. In the case of asymmetric encryption, any number of plaintexts can be created at will just by knowing the public key. If successful, the code is broken in a single Complex Action. If sufficient hits are not achieved, the code may yet still be broken, but it takes longer depending upon how many hits the test was short of the threshold:

  • 1 hour
  • 1 day
  • 1 month
  • 1 year

Jedi Trick

  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Signal
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Resistance: Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)

Jedi Trick bypasses a request for a password or show of credentials.

Step by Step: The Retina Scanner

The simplest of retina scanners either keeps the list of retina possibilities on site or off, and sends an unlock signal to the door when a match is made. The Jedi Trick system bypasses those shenanigans altogether and directly opens the door. More advanced Retina Scanners are embedded in a Faraday Cage and have a direct wired connection to the door itself. This prevents a Jedi Trick and requires characters to either submit a valid (possibly faked) retina for scanning or to manually open the lock via the Lockpicking or Hardware skills.

Master Control

  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Connection
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Resistance: Willpower + Firewall + Cybercombat (if any)

Master Control is a method to ramp an account up in privileges. Just because a Connection exists doesn't mean that the Network on the other end actually trusts data packets from that source. This program solves that by manually altering the routing information for the user's Connection, causing it to be treated with greater privileges.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Signal
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Resistance: Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)

Data is stored all kinds of crazy places, and successfully using Misplace causes data to begin being stored in a place topologically similar to "the trashcan".


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Signal
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Resistance: Willpower + Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)

Ostraka causes a subscribed device or program to be apparently told to disengage from the network. If it succeeds, the program shuts down or the device is ejected from the Network and becomes a lone device.


  • Type: Bio
  • Range: Signal
  • Time: Simple Action
  • Duration: Sustained
  • Resistance: Willpower + Firewall + Signal Defense (if any) + Biofilter
  • Optimized Defense: Clean Digestion or Digestive Expansion

The target's autonomic nervous system is activated remotely. This can be embarrassing and socially awkward, but is usually not directly dangerous unless they have an adrenal pump (which can be activated by this method). No matter what the actual contents of the subject's intestines, the results can be distracting and painful, causing a -2 penalty to all dicepools (this penalty does not stack with further uses of this programming).


  • Type: Bio and Digital
  • Range: Handshake
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Resistance: Willpower + Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)

Type: B&D Range: H Time: CA

Taxman causes the user to become a seemingly legitimate data request. If successful, the target system begins sending the requested files to the Taxman.

Operations Programs

"No one believes video evidence any more."

Using an Operations Program requires a Logic + Computer test.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Handshake
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Sustained

Armor Programming makes a system more resilient to Matrix damage. While it is running, the target network rolls an extra number of dice to resist Icon Damage equal to its rating. Only the best Armor program applies if more than one is running.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Connection
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Sustained

Fabrication makes a seemingly meaningful datstream out of nothing at all. The data can continue to be produced indefinitely in real time, with a quality dictated by the hits of the program. This data can be tossed or saved. Multiple copies of Fabrication can run on the same Network or even multiple Networks in order to produce more data. For example, six hours of video footage can be created from whole cloth in an hour and a half by having four copies of Fabrication running for that period. If merely modifying existing footage, one should just use Data Manipulation. Determining the fake would be compared to the worst effort of the different Fabrications.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Handshake (LOS)
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Permanent

Medic repairs Icon Damage equal to the number of hits. Once the effects of Medic are permanent, the programming can be run again for further repair.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Connection
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Permanent

Obscure makes a fact unfindable within a datastore. Overwriting it thousands of times and redirecting links until the data is simply gone. Program hits set the threshold for future Recovery actions.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Connection
  • Time: 1 minute
  • Duration: Permanent

Deleting information beyond the potential for recovery is a difficult enterprise. Using Recover, data which has been destroyed can be reassembled into something readable. If the action gets sufficient hits to recreate the lost file, it becomes fully assembled once the program becomes permanent. Recover can also be used to repair icon damage equal to hits, though it is not ideal for this purpose.

Redundant Biofeedback Filters

  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Connection
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Sustained

Redundant Biofeedback Filters are something which is highly encouraged for users experienced and newbie alike when navigating the dangerous world of the modern Matrix. While it is running, the target Network rolls an extra number of dice to resist B attacks equal to its rating. Only the best Redundant Biofeedback Filter program applies if more than one is running, but IT specialists will roll their eyes at you if you aren't running at least one.

Terminate Connection

  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Connection
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Resistance: System + Intuition

Terminate Connection makes the user's network no longer connected to the target. The range will usually then be Handshake, unless the Connection had originally been made through a Matrix link. Success terminates the connection and purges any Backdoor used to establish it in the first place.

Decompiling Forms

Using a Decompiling Form requires a Resonance + Decompiling test.

Can of Worms

  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Signal (LOS)
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Fading: 1/2R + 2
  • Resistance: Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)

This dread technique simultaneously assaults all networks in range except the technomancer herself. All other Networks in range must resist the Form, and those which are affected must soak Icon Damage equal to Rating + Net Hits.

Death Note

  • Type: Bio
  • Range: Signal (LOS)
  • Time: Simple Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Fading: 1/2R
  • Resistance: Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)

The song that ends a man is played. Man goto end. If the Form is successful, the target must resist physical damage equal to the rating plus net hits with Willpower + Biofilter.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Connection (LOS)
  • Time: Simple Action
  • Duration: Sustained
  • Fading: 1/2R
  • Resistance: Firewall + Cybercombat (if any)

The Technomancer overwhelms the processors of a network with irrelevancies. The target's Response is reduced by the net hits of the Form. A target whose Response hits zero simply crashes as if its entire Icon Damage monitor was filled.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Listening
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Fading: 1/2R + 1
  • Resistance: Willpower + Firewall

The resonance layer of mystery is removed from a transmission or file, leaving nothing but unencrypted information. If this Form is not successfully resisted the file is decrypted. Yes, Willpower is supposed to be in the resistance pool. Two systems running the same EUE may find that their transmissions are differently difficult for a technomancer to open. That's how Resonance rolls.

Registry Dump

  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Signal (LOS)
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Fading: 1/2R + 2
  • Resistance: Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)

All running programming on all Networks in range of the technomancer destabilize and may get dumped outright. Each potential target resists separately. Those which are affected have the number of hits for all their active programs reduced by the number of net hits the technomancer achieves. Programs which are reduced to zero hits fade from the matrix as if they had never been.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Connection (LOS)
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Fading: 1/2R + 3
  • Resistance: Willpower + Firewall + Cybercombat (if any)

The target Network is reset backwards in time a number of rounds equal to the Net Hits. Alerts triggered, data accumulated, and Icon Damage sustained during these rounds are gone forever.

Registering Forms

A Registering Form is used with Resonance + Registering.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Signal
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Fading: 1/2R + 1
  • Resistance: Willpower + Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)

Type: D Range: S Time: CA Fading: 1/2R+1

The Resonance shakes itself slightly, and at the end a device that had been part of one network is now part of another. This Form is resisted by both Networks separately. If both of them are affected, the desired device is suddenly part of the new Network as if it had always been there.

Test Pattern

  • Type: Bio and Digital
  • Range: Signal (LOS)
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Sustained
  • Fading: 1/2R + 1
  • Resistance: Intuition + Response + Signal Defense (if any)

An idea is placed into the Resonance and it holds the appearance of the physically real. The technomancer defines some set of parameters which are then recorded as valid by all sensory devices in the area of the technomancer's Signal range, whether they are microphones or human eyes. Networks in range who are affected experience whatever the technomancer's parameters are instead of whatever is "really" going on (this is basically like an Illusion spell).


  • Type: Bio
  • Range: Signal (LOS)
  • Time: 1 hour
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Fading: 1/2R + 2
  • Resistance: Willpower + Special

New data is implanted directly into the values, knowledge, and social mores of the target. The target resists the effects with Willpower, but being attached to a network with a Biofilter can undo this kind of conditioning rather easily. The effects do not take hold until the Form becomes Permanent, and every round a Biofilter is engaged it can roll itself against the net hits of the Form to prevent it from succeeding.


  • Type: Digital
  • Range: Signal (LOS)
  • Time: Complex Action
  • Duration: Instant
  • Fading: 1/2R
  • Resistance: Willpower + Firewall + Signal Defense (if any)

Type: D Range: S (LOS) Time: CA Fading: 1/2R

If the form is successful, any number of new valid passcodes are added to a device or Network.


Bonus Rule An IC running on a Network is not a sustained program, it's more like an augmentation to the Firewall of the OS. As with other Generic Network attributes, only the best available IC within a Network has any effect. IC gets only a single Initiative Pass per Combat Turn, though its Initiative is a very fast Firewall + Rating + Response.

Your Network IC can take any of the following actions:

  • Send Mail: The IC can spend one of the Network's Matrix Free Actions to send a mail out to any other device within Matrix range. Usually it takes this action to alert someone about an intruder, but it could send mail for other reasons I suppose.
  • Run Program: The IC can run any Program present in the Network. It uses Firewall + Rating as the dice pool, and the target Network must either be the IC's own Network (eg: Armor or Medic) or a Network on the other end of an open Connection (eg: Crash or Blackhammer). Remember that having an open Connection does make all other ranges count as satisfied, so IC totally can hit you with a Blackhammer once a Connection opens.
  • Matrix Perception: An IC program can perform Matrix Perception tests using Firewall + Rating. Technically speaking an IC with nothing else to do could be rolling two of these every combat round, but you should instead limit it to one perception check per character action that might have been noticed (such as opening a Backdoor, running a Taxman, etc).

IC cannot take any other Matrix Actions, so it can't close a connection without the Terminate Connection program available, and it can't Matrix Stealth without the Cloak program available, and so on. It also doesn't provide any Signal Defense or Cybercombat protection to the Network it's running on, you're on your own for that one chummer.

IC doesn't actually have any mental stats, so if it's running on an Empty Network targeted by something that use a Mental Attribute as part of the defense (eg: Denial or Ostraka) then the IC is of no help there.

Pilot Programs

A pilot program is an autosoft of some kind. It is entirely capable of running on an isolated device. It does not count as a Sustained program, but it is rating limited by the Pilot rating of the Device.


Clearsight is used to identify things that the Sensors detect. It is specific to a single sensor suite type, and it is used for identifying targets (Pilot + Clearsight) and interpretation of sensory inputs (Sensors + Clearsight).


Fabricate is used to create a specific thing with a specific device. The rating acts as an appropriate Artisan or Hardware skill, and the overall dicepool is Pilot + Fabricate.


Maneuver allows a specific device to navigate in real space, acting as a piloting skill and as a Defense dicepool. Drones that pilot themselves roll Pilot + Maneuver while moving and have a Defense pool equal to their Maneuver rating.


Targeting is used to shoot things in the face. It is weapon specific. Other modifiers for ranged combat still apply (most notably, the Smartlink bonus is cumulative with the Pilot + Targeting dicepool).

Some of the Autosofts got removed

The basic book talks about an "Electronic Warfare" autosoft, which literally duplicates having an entire actual metahuman brain dedicated to signal defense and jamming. That's totally not acceptable, so that autosoft no longer exists. Also it has a separate Maneuver and Defense autosoft, which is unnecessary in these rules.

Background Programs

A background program is capable of running on a single device and does not need to run on the entire network nor does it particularly benefit from doing so. This means that a background program does not count as a program running on any network. Most of them don't even need rules, because they don't come into direct conflict with other programs. Here are some examples that your characters might have running:

  • Virtual Pet: Virtual Pet puts an Arrow of some kind of animal into the user's perception. Depending upon the firewall settings of others, it may be perceived by other users as well. Virtual Pets run the gamut of quality from simple Nintendogs to complex icons that can virtually pass a cat-equivalence Turing test. Virtual Pets are available as real animals, fantastic beasts, and even humanoids (while the DreamDate software is sold to a different audience than most Virtual Pet consumers, it uses much the same technology).
  • Miracle Shooter: Capture the flag, team death match, king of the hill, all your favorite shooter game options.